Symposium: Computational models of MMN
Friday, Sep 11, 2015
Hörsaal 3

A neuronal model of predictive coding for MMN

Catherine Wacongne

Netherland Institute for Neuroscience (NIN), Amsterdam, Netherlands

The mismatch negativity (MMN) is thought to index the activation of specialized neural networks for active prediction and deviance detection in auditory cortex. However, a detailed neuronal model of the neurobiological mechanisms underlying the MMN is still lacking, and its computational foundations remain debated. I propose here a detailed neuronal model of auditory cortex, based on predictive coding, that accounts for the critical features of MMN. I also discuss how this model can be integrated with the stimulus specific adaptation data and explore which experimental paradigms can be used to better characterize the modifications of MMN amplitude seen in schizophrenia and other disorders.