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Spatiotemporal dynamics of spontaneous and evoked EEG-fMRI signals

Ritter, P.
Berlin Neuroimaging Center & Bernstein Center for Computational Neuroscience Berlin

Simultaneous EEG-fMRI monitors neuronal oscillations (EEG) and related metabolic and vascular changes (fMRI) reflecting increases or decreases of net neuronal activity. EEG signals per se consist of several superimposed EEG rhythms. EEG recorded during fMRI, however, in addition contains "artifacts" caused by heartbeat in the static B0 field (ballistocardiogram, BCG) or by gradient switching of the MR tomograph (imaging artifacts). I will talk about approaches to disentangle different EEG signatures and to separately analyze their specific fMRI correlates. I will further demonstrate the relation between diverse EEG rhythms and fMRI resting state networks. Finally I am going to talk about approaches to investigate mechanisms of interactions between ongoing and event-related brain dynamics.

Symposium 20: Recent Advances in EEG-fMRI Integration
12.06.2009, 14:00-15:00
Seminarraum 11

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