

Soft Matter Day 2024
The seventh Soft Matter Day, organized by the Peter Debye Institute for Soft Matter Physics, will take place on 5 July 2024 at the Lecture Hall for Theoretical Physics of the Faculty of Physics and Earth System Sciences, Linnéstr. 5, Leipzig. It aims at stimulating scientific exchange and interactions among the groups of the institute and the Leipzig groups that do related work in this field.

Registration Deadlines
Participants with a talk or poster: 24 May 2024
Participants without contribution: 12 June 2024

Program as PDF
List of Posters

08:55–09:00 Meeting of the Members of the Institute
09:00–09:05 Welcome
09:05–09:25 Nematics of the extracellular matrix
Pablo Gottheil, Saraswat Bhattacharyya, Kilian Roth, Philip Friedrich, Salvador Rivera-Moreno, Anne-Sophie Wegscheider, Hans Kubitschke, Axel Niendorf, Julia Yeomans, Josef A. Käs
Regulation of helicase activity in long-range DNA end resection
Martin Mütze, Ilaria Ceppi, Maria Stritto, Stefan Brainshier, Valentina Mengoli, Aurore Sanchez, Giordano Reginato, Swagata Halder, Sean Howard, Ralf Seidel, Petr Cejka
Optical photothermal infrared spectroscopy – bridging two worlds
A. Markus Anton, Felix H. Patzschke, Frank Cichos
Microbial dynamics: from navigation in complex environments to behavioral individuality
Katja M. Taute
10:25–10:50 Break (Aula)
10:50–11:10 Membrane binding and lipid phase selectivity of DNA origami modulated by anchor hydrophobicity
Subhasini Singh, Henri. G. Franquelim
11:10–11:30 Programming fibril alignment and mechanical response in electron beam-modified collagen type I fibers
Friedrich Schütte, Anastassiya Bublikova, Stefan G. Mayr
11:30–11:50 Nano-tufts – A hairy story of limited configurations and conductivity
Martin Treß, Alaa Hassan, Wing Kit Or
11:50–12:10 Cellular signal processing, growth, adaptation, and optimal resource allocation
Ralf Steuer
12:10–12:30 Quiz
12:30–14:15 Poster Session and Lunch (Corridor/Aula)
14:15–14:35 Investigating the R-loop formation by CRISPR-dCas9 with ultrafast single-molecule twist measurements
Fabian Welzel, Julene Madariaga-Marcos, Dominik J. Kauert, Ralf Seidel
14:35–14:55 Fibrous materials within the realm of soft matter
Amit Rawal, Mareike Zink
14:55–15:15 Rigid restriction: the aortic wall dilemma
Philip Friedrich, Josephina Haunschild, Sabrina Friebe, Frank Sauer, Jörg Schnauß, Jürgen Lippoldt, Jannis Korn, Thomas Fuhs, Pablo Gottheil, Kolya Lettl, Kevin Körner, Dimitrij Tschodu, Cary Tutmarc, Hannah Marie Eichholz, Xiaofan Xie, Paul Mollenkopf, Denny Böttcher, Stefan G. Mayr, Christian Etz, Josef A. Käs
15:15–15:35 Influence of thermostats on the dynamics of the helix-coil transition
Maximilian Conradi, Henrik Christiansen, Suman Majumder, Fabio Müller, Wolfhard Janke
15:35–16:00 Break (Aula)
16:00–16:20 Active particle steering in three-dimensions
Gordei Anchutkin, Frank Cichos
16:20–16:40 Dynamics of bacterial competition and coexistence in small confined volumes
Christian Westendorf, Valentin Slepukhin, Birgit Koch, Victor Peris Yague, Aditya Prasad, Joao Ascensao, Oskar Hallatschek
16:40–18:00 Poster Session (Corridor)
18:00 Barbecue

The time for each talk is 15 minutes plus 5 minutes discussion.