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Flight Logs

Flight Report Template

# Date Description Polar 5 Data P5 Track Flight Report Mission PI
01 08.03.2019 Certification flight P5 xx:xx
02 19.03.2019 Test of instrumentation xx:xx xx:xx xx:xx Mario Mech
03 21.03.2019 Calibration of 5-hole probe, horizontal flight legs below and within cloud 09:50 15:30 05:40 Christof Lüpkes
04 23.03.2019 Calibration of 5-hole probe, horizontal flight legs below and within cloud 11:30 17:00 05:30 Dmitry Chechin
05 24.03.2019 Flying at 10.000 ft above clouds, turn back and fly below clouds and saw teeth 10:01 14:51 04:50 Manfred Wendisch
06 25.03.2019 Flight at 10.000 ft above clouds, staircase over MIZ and saw teeth 10:38 15:40 05:02 Christof Lüpkes
07 30.03.2019 Cold air outbreak with thin clouds over sea ice 10:13 15:28 05:15 Dmitry Chechin
08 31.03.2019 Cold air outbreak over sea ice and at the MIZ 10:58 16:29 05:31 André Ehrlich
09 01.04.2019 CloudSat/Calipso underflight over low and midlevel clouds of a cold air outbreak 07:36 12:39 05:03 Mario Mech
10 03.04.2019 Mid-Level stratocumulus over sea ice 10:21 15:01 04:40 Dmitry Chechin
11 04.04.2019 Warm front pushing clouds in the MIZ along steady increasing sea ice concentration 08:38 12:26 03:48 André Ehrlich
12 06.04.2019 Low-level clouds over sea ice (weak cold air) 10:25 15:52 05:27 Christof Lüpkes
13 07.04.2019 CloudSat/Calipso underflight with thin low and midlevel clouds 07:22 12:17 04:56 Yvonne Boose
14 08.04.2019 Cloud field spreading into the MIZ and migrating into surface based fog over closed sea ice 11:05 15:53 04:48 André Ehrlich
15 11.04.2019 Characterizing a sharp cloud edge over homogeneous sea ice 09:38 15:15 05:37 Christof Lüpkes
# Date Status P5
01 xx.03.2019
02 19.03.2019
03 21.03.2019
04 23.03.2019
05 24.03.2019
06 25.03.2019
07 30.03.2019
08 31.03.2019
09 01.04.2019
10 03.04.2019
11 04.04.2019 n.l.
12 06.04.2019 n.l.
13 07.04.2019 n.l.
14 08.04.2019 n.l.
15 11.04.2019


  • BD = Basic Data Acquisition
  • NB = Nose Boom
  • DS = Drop Sondes
  • SA = SMART Albedometer
  • EH = Eagle/Hawk
  • MR = MiRAC Radar
  • MM = MiRAC Microwave
  • AM = AMALi
  • PN = Polar Nephelometer
  • 2D = 2D-S
  • CA = CAPS
  • PP = PIP
flight_logs.1602750780.txt.gz · Last modified: 2023/01/12 14:11 (external edit)