Workshop Myopia in Grammar

Call for Papers: Myopia in Grammar

13-14 June 2024 at Universität Leipzig

In grammatical systems where morphological and syntactic structure is built incrementally or cyclically there is no 'look ahead'. Operations in a more embedded domain cannot be sensitive to more peripheral structure since this is only added later in the derivation. Similarly, the conditioning of iterative phonological rules (as in the modeling of vowel harmony) is blind to the overall result of its combined recursive application. In the terminology of Collins (1997) and Wilson (2003,2006), these processes are 'myopic' (see also Demuth & Gruber 1994 and Bobaljik 1995). In a mirror image to prospective myopia, grammatical operations also typically exhibit retrospective myopia which blocks 'looking back' in derivational history by mechanisms such as Bracket Erasure and Phases, especially the Phase Impenetrability Condition (Chomsky 2008, Müller 2010). In the last decades, myopia has become crucial as a litmus test for fundamental formal properties of grammatical systems, such as the assumption of Phases in minimalist syntax (Chomsky 2008) or for the stepwise optimization processes assumed in Harmonic Serialism (McCarthy 2016, Müller 2020, Torres-Tamarit 2016).

The goal of this workshop is to bring together researchers with different theoretical backgrounds to advance the empirical and theoretical understanding of myopia. In particular, we welcome contributions which address the following topics and questions:

Abstract guidelines

Abstracts should be send to the following email adress: tebay [at]

Deadline of submission

January 31 2024

Notification of acceptance

Mid March 2024


Program (Room 420, Neues Seminargebäude, Universitätsstraße 1, 04109 Leipzig)

13.06.2024 Thursday
08:30 Welcome
09:00 First invited talk Karlos Arregi
No lookahead when you move a head
10:00 Coffee Break
10:30 First session Greg Kobele
Kenneth Hanson
The Computational Basis of Locality in Syntactic Agreement
Xinran Yan
‘Think’ or ‘want’: look-ahead problems in semantics
12:00 Lunch Break
13:00 Second Session Anna Laoide-Kemp
Myopic effects in the Irish initial consonant mutation system
Yuriy Kushnir
The variable position of the reflexive affix in Lithuanian
Renate Raffelsiefen
Challenges for incremental models: outwardly sensitive phonologically conditioned affix allomorphy and the affix pervasiveness effect
14:30 Coffee break
15:00 Third Session Adam McCollum, Eric Baković & Anna Mai
Non-myopic phonological patterns exist. How could they not?
Jochen Trommer
Gradient Symbolic Representations Resolve Stratal Paradoxes: A Case Study on Margi
Andrew Lamont
Myopic spreading with weighted string constraints and gradient activity
16:30 Second Invited Talk Mary Paster (remote)
What, if anything, is myopia in grammar?
17:30 Discussion
19:00 Workshop Dinner (Chinas Welt)
14.06.2024 Friday
09:00 Third invited talk Nik Rolle
Myopia and the dominant tone asymmetry
10:00 Coffee Break
10:30 Fourth session Nadja Fiebig, Paula Fenger, Sören E. Tebay & Philipp Weisser
Explaining the Size-Height Correlation
Tom Meadows & Qiuhao Charles Yan
Deriving the PF-Sensitivity of Chain Resolution without Look-Ahead
Marie-Luise Popp
Myopia in phonologically-conditioned affix order in Yidiɲ
12:00 Lunch Break
13:00 Fourth Invited Talk Emily Clem
Global case splits via local Agree
14:00 Fifth Session
Helene Streffer
How much can you see: What a reprojection-based account of discontinuous agreement would say
Heather Newell
English Irregular Verbs Do Not Condition Allomorphy on T (or vice versa)
15:00 Coffee break
15:30 Sixth Session Felicitas Andermann
Myopia in Morphology
Bettina Spreng
Functional and Phonological domains in Inuktitut
Leonel Fongang & Mariia Privizentseva
Class drop in Isu: A case for cyclic morphology
17:00 Concluding Remarks