Experiments IPSP




Optics / Atomic Physics

M2e Video Analysis of Kinematical Processes
M3e Ultrasound
M5e Density of Solids and Liquids (Pyknometer, Archimedes Law)
M6e Gyroscope with three Axes
M7e Viscosity Measurements
M8e Fourier Analysis of Acoustic Oscillations
M10e Resonance and Phase Shift in Mechanical Oscillations
M12e Coupled Pendula and Degree of Coupling
M13e Tensor of the Moment of Inertia
M15e Bending of Bars
M16e Force Constant and Shear Modulus
M17e Pohl´s wheel (linear and nonlinear oscillations)
M19e Surface Tension
M20e Robot Programming (NXT)