Experiments IPSP
Optics / Atomic Physics
M2e | Video Analysis of Kinematical Processes |
M3e | Ultrasound |
M5e | Density of Solids and Liquids (Pyknometer, Archimedes Law) |
M6e | Gyroscope with three Axes |
M7e | Viscosity Measurements |
M8e | Fourier Analysis of Acoustic Oscillations |
M10e | Resonance and Phase Shift in Mechanical Oscillations |
M12e | Coupled Pendula and Degree of Coupling |
M13e | Tensor of the Moment of Inertia |
M15e | Bending of Bars |
M16e | Force Constant and Shear Modulus |
M17e | Pohl´s wheel (linear and nonlinear oscillations) |
M19e | Surface Tension |
M20e | Robot Programming (NXT) |