Safety in the Laboratory and General Information

The laboratory safety document outlines good practice to avoid health hazards; undergraduates are not allowed to begin their laboratory program until they have read and signed the safety document.
All students working in laboratories must observe the following.
In case of alarm signals in the Introductory Physics Laboratory all students and demonstrators have to leave the building immediately using the staircases and meet next to the 'Hospitaltor' in front of the park.
Fire Precautions
Smoking is not allowed anywhere in the building. All organic solvents must be stored at a sufficient distance from heating equipment. Various fire extinguishers are placed in the corridors. In case of small fires use Water Discharge extinguishers for paper, wood, etc. (but no electrical equipment!), Carbon Dioxide extinguishers for live electrical circuits and Dry Powder extinguishers for any kind of metal. In any other cases of fire, ring the nearest fire alarm (in principle), and leave the building immediately using the Emergency Exits (Main Entrance/Exits). An Electronic Fire Alarms System exists in the building Prager Strasse 34; it sends an alarm signal directly to the central Fire Brigade Control Room.
Electrical Safety
Do not attach the power main switch to the 230 volt AC without permission of a demonstrator or technician. All electrical circuits have to be checked by the demonstrator before the experiment may be started. Do not tamper with any mains plugs or sockets, if there is a fault the technician will fix it for you. Always give attention to safety if you are using dangerous voltages (> 40 V DC and > 60 V AC) and special attention working at high voltages (> 300 V).
Compressed Gases
Compressed gases may only be used after first consulting a demonstrator or technician. Always turn off the main valve when you are finished with the experiment and report this to the demonstrator. Immediately report any leaks or defects.
Laser Radiation
The laser sources of light used in the experiments fulfill the German technical standard 'Safety Requirements for Teaching and Training Equipment - Laser' for class 2 lasers. Never look directly into the direct or reflected laser beam. Do not exceed the glare limit (i. e. no observer should feel dazzled). In the experiment 'Diode laser' (Class 3B Laser, Power max. 50 mW, 808 nm) the safety regulations DIN VDE0837 or IEC 0837 must be observed. Class 3B laser equipment is potentially hazardous. To prevent direct viewing into the beam and to avoid uncontrolled reflections the laser should only be operated in a supervised laser area. Eye protection by laser safety spectacles is necessary if there is a possibility of either direct or reflected radiation entering the eye.
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