Structure Removal in Syntax

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Workshop ‘Genus Verbi’

  • When: 16–17 November 2016
  • Where: Leucorea, Wittenberg
  • Organisers: Artemis Alexiadou and Gereon Müller
  • Wednesday, 16 November (pdf version of the programme):
    10:00–11:00 Julie Anne Legate
    (University of Pennsylvania)
    External Arguments in Noncanonical Passives
    Coffee break
    11:15–12:00 Fabian Heck
    (Universität Leipzig)
    A Non-Monotonic Analysis of Non-Local Movement in Passives
    12:00–12:45 Despina Oikonomou
    (HU Berlin)
    Voice Allosemy in Synthetic Passives: Towards a Phasal Account
    Lunch break
    14:00–14:45 Florian Schäfer
    (HU Berlin)
    Medio-Passives with and without By-Phrase
    14:45–15:30 Sandhya Sundaresan & Tom McFadden
    (Universität Leipzig & ZAS Berlin)
    The Articulated v Layer: Evidence from Tamil
    Melanchthon Circle
    17:30–18:15 Gereon Müller
    (Universität Leipzig)
    Structure Removal in Long-Distance Passives
    18:15–19:00 Andrew Murphy
    (Universität Leipzig)
    Double Passivization in Turkish: A Structure Removal Approach
    19:00–19:45 Berit Gehrke & Nils Hirsch
    (Université Paris 7 & HU Berlin)
    Passives are Not Inherently More Complex than Actives: Insights from Processing Verbal Passives in German
  • Thursday, 17 November:
    09:00–10:00 Stefan Müller
    (HU Berlin)
    A Lexical Analysis of Passive
    10:00–10:45 Barbara Stiebels
    (Universität Leipzig)
    Instrumental Voice
    Coffee break
    11:00–11:45 Artemis Alexiadou
    (HU Berlin)
    Passive (in) Nominalizations
    11:45–12:30 Philipp Weisser
    (Universität Leipzig)
    Voice in Derived Coordination
    Lunch break
    14:00–14:45 Itamar Kastner
    (HU Berlin)
    Passive in Non-Concatenative Morphology
    14:45–15:30 Johannes Hein
    (Universität Leipzig)
    How Referral by Vocabulary Items Derives Deponency
    Coffee break
    15:45–16:30 Marcel Pitteroff & Florian Schäfer
    (HU Berlin)
    Implicit Control: On Landau's Generalization and Its Exceptions