I Ceppi, M R Dello Stritto, M Mütze, S Braunshier, V Mengoli, G Reginato, H M Phúc Võ, S Jimeno, A Acharya, M Roy, A Sanchez, S Halder, S M Howard, R Guérois, P Huertas, S M Noordermeer, R Seidel, P Cejka.
Mechanism of BRCA1–BARD1 function in DNA end resection and DNA protection.
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A Acharya, H Bret, J W Huang, M Mütze, M Göse, V M Kissling, R Seidel, A Ciccia, R Guérois, P Cejka.
Mechanism of DNA unwinding byMCM8-9 in complex with HROB.
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U Kemper, N Weizenmann, C. Kielar, A Erbe, R Seidel.
Heavy Metal Stabilization of DNA Origami Nanostructures.
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P Irmisch, I Mogila, B Samatanga, G Tamulaitis, R Seidel.
Retention of the RNA ends provides the molecular memory for maintaining the activation of the Csm complex.
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G Bigelyte, B Duchovska, R Zedaveinyte, G Sasnauskas, T Sinkunas, I Dalgediene, G Tamulaitiene, A Silanskas, D Kazlauskas, L Valancauskas, J Madariaga-Marcos, R Seidel, V Siksnys, T Karvelis.
Innate programmable DNA binding by CRISPR-Cas12m effectors enable efficient base editing.
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M Göse, E E Magill, A Hughes-Games, S J Shaw, F M Diffin, T Rawson, Z Nagy, R Seidel, M D Szczelkun.
Short-range translocation by a restriction enzyme motor triggers diffusion along DNA.
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R Du, Q Teng, S Xu, M Jiang, P Irmisch, Z-G Wang.
Self-Assembly of Designed Peptides with DNA to Accelerate the DNA Strand Displacement Process for Dynamic Regulation of DNAzymes.
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J Madariaga-Marcos, P Aldag, D J Kauert, R Seidel.
Correlated Single-Molecule Magnetic Tweezers and Fluorescence Measurements of DNA-Enzyme Interactions.
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J Bucci, P Irmisch, E Del Grosso, R Seidel, F Ricci.
TimedPulsesin DNAStrandDisplacementReactions.
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D J Kauert, J Madariaga-Marcos, M Rutkauskas, A Wulfken, I Songailiene, T Sinkunas, V Siksnys, R Seidel.
The energy landscape for R-loop formation by the CRISPR–Cas Cascade complex.
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P Aldag, M Rutkauskas, J Madariaga-Marcos, I Songailiene, T Sinkunas, F Kemmerich, D J Kauert, V Siksnys, R Seidel.
Dynamic interplay between target search and recognition for a Type I CRISPR-Cas system.
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U Kemper, J Ye, D Poppitz, R Gläser, R Seidel.
DNA Mold-Based Fabrication of Palladium Nanostructures.
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M Rutkauskas, I Songailiene, P Irmisch, F E Kemmerich, T Sinkunas, V Siksnys, R Seidel.
A quantitative model for the dynamics of target recognition and off-target rejection by the CRISPR-Cas Cascade complex.
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M Scherf, F Scheffler, C Maffeo, U Kemper, J Ye, A Aksimentiev, R Seidel, U. Reibetanz.
Trapping of protein cargo molecules inside DNA origami nanocages.
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J Bucci, P Irmisch, E Del Grosso, R Seidel, F Ricci.
Orthogonal Enzyme-Driven Timers for DNA Strand Displacement Reactions.
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V M Kissling, G Reginato, E Bianco, K Kasaciunaite, J Tilma, G Cereghetti, N Schindler, S S Lee, R Guérois, B Luke, R Seidel, P Cejka, M Peter.
Mre11-Rad50 oligomerization promotes DNA double-strand break repair.
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E Del Grosso, P Irmisch, S Gentile, L Prins, R Seidel, F Ricci.
Dissipative Control over the Toehold-Mediated DNA Strand Displacement Reaction.
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C Balbo Pogliano, I Ceppi, S Giovannini, V Petroulaki, N Palmer, F Uliana, M Gatti, K Kasaciunaite, R Freire, R Seidel, M Altmeyer, P Cejka, J Matos.
The CDK1-TOPBP1-PLK1 axis regulates the Bloom’s syndrome helicase BLM to suppress crossover recombination in somatic cells.
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P Aldag, F Welzel, L Jakob, A Schmidbauer, M Rutkauskas, F Fettes, D Grohmann, R Seidel.
Probing the stability of the SpCas9–DNA complex after cleavage.
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A Acharya, K Kasaciunaite, M Göse, V Kissling, R Guérois, R Seidel, P Cejka.
Distinct RPA domains promote recruitment and the helicase-nuclease activities of Dna2.
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G Bigelyte, J K Young, T Karvelis, K Budre, R Zedaveinyte, V Djukanovic, E V Ginkel, S Paulraj, S Gasior, S Jones, L Feigenbutz, G St. Clair, P Barone, J Bohn, A Acharya, G Zastrow-Hayes, S Henkel-Heinecke, A Silanskas, R Seidel, V Siksnys.
Miniature type V-F CRISPR-Cas nucleases enable targeted DNA modification in cells.
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N Weizenmann, G Scheidgen-Kleyboldt, J Ye, C Krause, D Kauert, S Helmi, C Rouillon, R Seidel.
Chemical ligation of an entire DNA Origami nanostructure.
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J Ye, J Teske, U Kemper, R Seidel.
Sequential Pull‐Down Purification of DNA Origami Superstructures.
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J Ye, O Aftenieva, T Bayrak, A Jain, T König, A Erbe, R Seidel.
Complex Metal Nanostructures with Programmable Shapes from Simple DNA Building Blocks.
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I Ceppi, S M Howard, K Kasaciunaite, C Pinto, R Anand, R Seidel, P Cejka.
CtIP promotes the motor activity of DNA2 to accelerate long-range DNA end resection.
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P Irmisch, T E Ouldridge, R Seidel.
Modelling DNA-strand displacement reactions in the presence of base-pair mismatches.
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R Grigaitis, L Ranjha, P Wild, K Kasaciunaite, I Ceppi, V Kissling, A Henggeler, A Susperregui, M Peter, R Seidel, P Cejka, J Matos.
Phosphorylation of the RecQ Helicase Sgs1/BLM Controls Its DNA Unwinding Activity during Meiosis and Mitosis.
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J Ye, R Weichelt, U Kemper, V Gupta, T König, A Eychmüller, R Seidel.
Casting of Gold Nanoparticles with High Aspect Ratios inside DNA Molds.
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F Scheffler, M Brueckner, J Ye, R Seidel, U Reibetanz.
A Hybrid Carrier System Based on Origami Nanostructures and Layer-by-Layer Microparticles.
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J Dikic, R Seidel.
Anticooperative Binding Governs the Mechanics of Ethidium-Complexed DNA.
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R Weichelt, J Ye, U Banin, A Eychmüller, R Seidel.
DNA-mediated Self-assembly and Metallization of Semiconductor Nanorods for the Fabrication of Nanoelectronic Interfaces.
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J Ye, S Helmi, J Teske, R Seidel.
Fabrication of Metal Nanostructures with Programmable Length and Patterns Using a Modular DNA Platform.
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K Kasaciunaite, F Fettes, M Levikova, P Daldrop, R Anand, P Cejka, R Seidel.
Competing interaction partners modulate the activity of Sgs1 helicase during DNA end resection.
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I Songailiene, M Rutkauskas, T Sinkunas, E Manakova, S Wittig, C Schmidt, V Siksnys, R Seidel.
Decision-Making in Cascade Complexes Harboring crRNAs of Altered Length.
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R Bosire, P Nánási Jr., L Imre, B Dienes, Á Szöőr, A Mázló, A Kovács, R Seidel, G Vámosi, G Szab.
Intercalation of small molecules into DNA in chromatin is primarily controlled by superhelical constraint.
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A Krivoy, M Rutkauskas, K Kuznedelov, O Musharove, C Rouillon, K Severinov, R Seidel.
Primed CRISPR Adaptation in Escherichia Coli Cells Does Not Depend on Conformational Changes in the Cascade Effector Complex Detected in Vitro.
Nucleic Acids Res. 46, 4087-4098 (2018) pdf

T Bayrak, S Helmi, J Ye,  D J Kauert, J Kelling, T Schönherr, R Weichelt, A Erbe, R Seidel.
DNA mold templated assembly of conductive gold nanowires.
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G Kostiuk, J Dikic, F W Schwarz, G Sasnauskas, R Seidel, V Siksnys.
The dynamics of the monomeric restriction endonuclease BcnI during its interaction with DNA.
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M Rutkauskas, A Krivoy, M D Szczelkun, C Rouillon, R Seidel.
Single-Molecule Insight Into Target Recognition by CRISPR-Cas Complexes.
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C Pinto, K Kasaciunaite, R Seidel, P Cejka.
Human DNA2 possesses a cryptic DNA unwinding activity that functionally integrates with BLM or WRN helicases.
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F E Kemmerich, K Kasaciunaite, R Seidel.
Modular magnetic tweezers for single-molecule characterizations of helicases.
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S Wierer, P Daldrop, M Ud Din Ahmad, W Boos, M Drescher, W Welte, R Seidel.
TrmBL2 from Pyrococcus furiosus Interacts Both with Double-Stranded and Single-Stranded DNA.
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F E Kemmerich, P Daldrop, C Pinto, M Levikova, P Cejka, R Seidel.
Force regulated dynamics of RPA on a DNA fork.
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F E Kemmerich, M Swoboda, D J Kauert, M S Grieb, S Hahn, F W Schwarz, R Seidel, M Schlierf.
Simultaneous single-molecule force and fluorescence sampling of DNA nanostructure conformations using magnetic tweezers.
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P Daldrop, H Brutzer, A Huhle, D J Kauert, R Seidel. 
Extending the range for force calibration in magnetic tweezers. 
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M Rutkauskas, T Sinkunas, I Songailiene, M S Tikhomirova, V Siksnys, R Seidel.
Directional R-Loop Formation by the CRISPR-Cas Surveillance Complex Cascade Provides Efficient Off-Target Site Rejection.
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A Czogalla, D J Kauert, H G Franquelim, V Uzunova, Y Zhang, R Seidel, P Schwille.
Amphipathic DNA Origami Nanoparticles to Scaffold and Deform Lipid Membrane Vesicles.
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A Huhle, D Klaue, H Brutzer, P Daldrop, S Joo, O Otto, U F Keyser, R Seidel.
Camera-based three-dimensional real-time particle tracking at kHz rates and Ångström accuracy.
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A Czogalla, D J Kauert, R Seidel, P Schwille, E P Petrov.
DNA origami nanoneedles on freestanding lipid membranes as a tool to observe isotropic-nematic transition in two dimensions.
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H Brutzer, E Sperling, K Günther, J Dikic, F Schwarz, D Klaue, F Cichos, M Mertig, R Seidel.
DNA under confinement and the use of DNA as confinement
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S Helmi, C Ziegler, D J Kauert, R Seidel.
Shape-controlled synthesis of gold nanostructures using DNA origami molds. 
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M D Szczelkun, M S Tikhomirova, T Sinkunas, G Gasiunas, T Karvelis, P Pschera, V Siksnys, R Seidel.
Direct observation of R-loop formation by single RNA-guided Cas9 and Cascade effector complexes.
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R Seidel, M D Szczelkun.
Switching roles for a helicase. 
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D Klaue, D Kobbe, F Kemmerich, A Kozikowska, H Puchta, R Seidel.
Fork sensing and strand switching control antagonistic activities of RecQ helicases.
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F W Schwarz, J Toth, K van Aelst, G Cui, S Clausing, M D Szczelkun, R Seidel.
The helicase-like domains of Type III restriction enzymes trigger long-range diffusion along DNA.
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M Levikova, D Klaue, R Seidel, P Cejka.
The nuclease activity of Saccharomyces cerevisiae Dna2 inhibits its potent DNA helicase activity.
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A Czogalla, E P Petrov, D J Kauert, V Uzunova, Y Zhang, R Seidel, P Schwille.
Switchable domain partitioning and diffusion of DNA origami rods on membranes.
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R Schöpflin, H Brutzer, O Müller, R Seidel*, G Wedemann*.
Probing the elasticity of DNA on short length scales by modeling supercoiling under tension. 
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H Brutzer, F W Schwarz, R Seidel.
Scanning evanescent fields using a point-like light source and a nanomechanical DNA gear.
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N Luzzietti, S Knappe, I Richter, R Seidel.
Nicking enzyme-based internal labelling of DNA at multiple loci.
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D J Kauert, T Kurth, T Liedl, R Seidel. 
Direct mechanical measurements reveal the material properties of 3D DNA-origami. 
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F W Schwarz, K van Aelst, J Toth, R Seidel, M D Szczelkun.
DNA cleavage site selection by Type III restriction enzymes provides evidence for head-on protein collisions following 1D bidirectional motion.
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N Luzzietti, H Brutzer, D Klaue, F W Schwarz, S Clausing, W Staroske, R Seidel.
Efficient preparation of internally modified single-molecule constructs using nicking enzymes.
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O Otto, J L Gornall, G Stober, F Czerwinski, R Seidel, U F Keyser.
High-speed video-based tracking of optically trapped colloids.
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H Brutzer, N Luzzietti, D Klaue, R Seidel. 
Energetics at the DNA supercoiling transition.
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K Günther, M Mertig, R Seidel.
Mechanical and structural properties of YOYO-1 complexed DNA.
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M D Szczelkun, P Friedhoff, R Seidel.
Maintaining a sense of direction during long-range communication on DNA.
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K van Aelst, J Tóth, S P Ramanathan, F W Schwarz, R Seidel, M D Szczelkun.
Type III restriction enzymes cleave DNA by long-range interaction between sites in both head-to-head and tail-to-tail inverted repeat.
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C Maffeo, R Schöpflin, H Brutzer, R Stehr, A Aksimentiev, G Wedemann, R Seidel.
DNA-DNA interactions in tight supercoils are described by a small effective charge density.
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O Otto, F Czerwinski, J L Gornall, G Stober, L B Oddershede, R Seidel, U F Keyser.
Real-time particle tracking at 10,000 fps using optical fiber illumination.
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A Erler, S Wegmann, C Elie-Caille, C R Bradshaw, M Maresca, R Seidel, et al.
Conformational Adaptability of Redβ during DNA Annealing and Implications for Its Structural Relationship with Rad52.
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D Klaue, R Seidel.
Torsional stiffness of single superparamagnetic microspheres in an external magnetic field.
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S P Ramanathan, K van Aelst, A Sears, L J Peakman, F M Diffin, M D Szczelkun, R Seidel.
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R Seidel, J G P Bloom, C Dekker, M D Szczelkun.
Motor step size and ATP coupling efficiency of the dsDNA translocase EcoR124I.
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E Sisáková, M Weiserová, C Dekker, R Seidel, M D Szczelkun.
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T van der Heijden, R Seidel, M Modesti, R Kanaar, C Wyman, C Dekker.
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A Crut, D A Koster, R Seidel, C H Wiggins, N H Dekker.
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R Seidel, C Dekker.
Single-molecule studies of nucleic acid motors.
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