(Bibliotheca Glossatorum, full text of many works, by Emanuele Conte, University Roma III)
www.vifarecht.de/volltexte/ ("Virtuelle Fachbibliothek Recht", by Staatsbibliothek zu Berlin)
Portal for digitized printed texts in general:
Individual collections of digitized printed
www.archive.org/ (international archive of internet pages, attempting to preserve snap shots of whatever was published on the internet at whatever time.
Thus also comprising many digitised legal texts which were at one time made fully available but at some later time withdrawn or whose access was later restricted:
for instance Voet's Commentaria ad Pandectas, 1827.
For an index of texts of prime interest for legal historians, see: webu2.upmf-grenoble.fr/Haiti/Cours/Ak/, click on
"20. Libraria numerica").
cujas.synasoft.fr (CAUTION, was reported to be an
attack page, but mentioned in portals as an address offering digitized
antiquarian literature)
scholar.google.com/ (facilitates searches in scholarly
articles, most often refers to HeinOnline)
International collections of catalogue information on
lib.nmsu.edu/rarecat/#SCS (very good, U.S.A.,
Association of College and Research Libraries, guide for cataloguers of rare
books and MSS)
home.uni-leipzig.de/jurarom/manuscr/ (Gero
Dolezalek's list of MSS of canon and Roman law world-wide, referring to
publications which mention them - with auxiliary indexes of authors and
www.historia.unimi.it/ (Università degli Studi
di Milano, Istituto di Storia del diritto medievale e moderno: its data base on
microfilms of MSS also provides short information on contents)
www.lrz.de/~SKIMCL/ (Stephan Kuttner Institute of
Medieval Canon Law, at the Universität München, next to the
Leopold-Wenger-Institut. There also exists an internal data base of ca. 15 000
offprints, collected by Stephan Kuttner, catalogued by B. Gilcher and J.
www.hmml.org/eamms/index.html (project to cumulate the data bases of www.hmml.org and libraries.slu.edu/vfl/index.cfm.
The latter, however, does not provide data on contents of the filmed MSS)
Bibliography of Catalogues of MSS:
www.mgh-bibliothek.de/kristeller/ (digitized
bibliography by Paul Oskar Kristeller / Sigrid Krämer, "Latin MS books
before 1600", 5th ed. 2003 - very detailed, striving for completeness)
Some highlights among national portals to catalogue
information on MSS:
AUSTRIA – national data base of MSS catalogued
BELGIUM – national data base of MSS catalogued
CZECH national data base of MSS catalogued
www.memoria.cz (outdated address, migrated to
www.manuscriptorium.com - see above)
FRANCE – national data bases of MSS catalogued
medium.irht.cnrs.fr/ (Data Base of microfilms and
other images of MSS, and of descriptions of MSS, kept at the Institut de
Recherche et d'Histoire des Textes, Orléans and Paris)
www.calames.abes.fr/pub/ (Data Base of MSS kept in
libraries of French universities and other institutions of higher
www.ccfr.bnf.fr/portailccfr/servlet/LoginServlet (data
base for all holdings of literature in French repositories. Click there on
"Manuscripts" and under "Institution de conservation" open the drop-down menu
and click on one place name. Thereafter click "Rechercher". The data base also
covers the entire Catalogue général [of which 19 vols. had
previously been digitized at Stanford University])
GERMANY – national data bases of MSS catalogued
ITALY – national data bases of MSS catalogued
susa.cirsfid.unibo.it (Internal data base of CIRSFID at
Bologna, registering almost 2000 occurrences of handwritten dissemination of
legal works, not yet publicly accessible).
www.mirabileweb.it/ (Data Base of the Società Internazionale per lo Studio del Medioevo Latino [= "SISMEL", see www.sismelfirenze.it/]. Full access is only granted after payment of high fees. "MIRABILEWEB" comprises: [1] data from "MEL" = the annual bibliography "Medioevo Latino". [2] "CALMA" = "Compendium Auctorum Latinorum Medii Aevi” = a list of thousands of standardized authors' names, with ten-thousands of aliases, and with pertinent references to MEL. [3] "BISLAM" = “Bibliotheca Scriptorum Latinorum Medii Recentiorisque Aevi”, develops the concept of CALMA much further. The second printed edition, published in 2010, comprised 13174 standardized authors' names up to 1536 and rich pertinent bibliography. The online version in "MIRABILEWEB" extends even further: by August 2010 it comprised more than 15000 standardized names. [4] "RICABIM" = “Repertorio di Inventari o Cataloghi di Biblioteche Medievali”, an inventory of medieval MS and archival material which list books in specific medieval libraries)
(project "MANUS" online. Censimento dei manoscritti delle biblioteche italiane. The data base comprises MSS which were recently catalogued under many different projects, e.g. also MSS from the region Toscana, catalogued under project "CODEX" [see above]. Descriptions of manuscripts can be retrieved in two ways:
[1] "Ricerca biblioteca" http://manus.iccu.sbn.it//opac_RicercaBiblioteca.php?bcumbremove=1
Choose city --> choose library in that city --> list of "Fondi", click on specific "Fondo" --> details of "Fondo", click on "sfoglia le schedi" --> list of shelfmarks, click on specific shelfmark --> description of the specific manuscript.
[2] "Ricerca catalografica avanzata" --> Indexes of available search terms are offered for authors' names, titles, incipit, explicit, etc.: http://manus.iccu.sbn.it//opac_RicercaCatalograficaAvanzata.php?bcumbremove=1)
www.manoscrittidatati.it/ (project by universities
Firenze, Arezzo, Cassino, Milano, Padova, Trento, Udine, publishing printed
NETHERLANDS – national data base of MSS catalogued
U.S.A. – national data bases of MSS catalogued
General remark: Worldwide, the larger
libraries tend to resort to online catalogues.Many even retro-convert data from
their older catalogues. Unfortunately, a vast number of online catalogues for
MSS does not provide facilities for browsing, so that scholars can not
scan the data in their entirety in order to discover authors and works yet
unknown to them. Searches are only permitted to target specific authors' names or works' titles,
and perhaps specific shelfmarks. This widespread defect greatly reduces
the utility of online catalogues. Scholarly research is downgraded to mere
searches for specific character strings of names, title words, etc., and in addition this
retrieval is highly dependent on specific spelling in the online
AUSTRIA - online catalogues for individual
DENMARK - online catalogues for individual
GERMANY- online catalogues for individual
www.erwin-rauner.de (digitized copies of printed
catalogues, e.g. for some volumes of München BayStB. Requires
ITALY AND VATICAN - online catalogues for individual
cataloghistorici.bdi.sbn.it/code/ (Biblioteca Digitale
Italiana, Direzione Generale per i Beni Librari e gli Istituti Culturali - ICCU:
data base, indexing antiquarian catalogues of MSS and antiquarian
printed literature, for instance the old printed catalogues of the Biblioteca
Nazionale Marciana at Venice. In 2010 visualisation of entire catalogue-pages
was not yet possible - perhaps blocked by pop-up-blockers? )
home.uni-leipzig.de/jurarom/manuscr/ (Catalogue of Canon
and Roman Law Manuscripts in the Vatican Library [ed. Stephan Kuttner and
Reinhard Elze], draft of vol. III resuscitated [provisional publication by Gero
R. Dolezalek in collaboration with Martin Bertram] - previously hosted on the
internet server of the University of Aberdeen)
(Saint Louis University, Vatican MSS Film Library, has an online catalogue to cover its Vatican resources: an almost complete set of
films of Vatican MSS, plus a photocopy of the Library's card catalogue of MSS)
NETHERLANDS - online catalogues for individual
PORTUGAL - online catalogues for individual
SPAIN - online catalogues for individual
http://catalogo.bne.es/ (Madrid, Biblioteca Nacional de España: click on "Colecciones especiales" and then on "Manuscritos". Searches refer users to complete descriptions of specific MSS. For a shelfmark search, use the search field "General", yet a prefix "MSS/" must be written before the shelfmark, e.g. "MSS/12915")
SWEDEN - online catalogues for individual
SWITZERLAND - online catalogues for individual
UNITED KINGDOM - online catalogues for individual
U.S.A. - online catalogues for individual
(Philadelphia, University of Pennsylvania Library, Lawrence J. Schoenberg
collection, shortlist of MSS. For detailed descriptions, search for (e.g.)
sceti.library.upenn.edu/ljs/view.cfm?option=view&MANID=ljs450. You must
always specify the shelfmark. So start at "MANID=ljs001" and then increase the
numbering, one by one)
'In principio' = CD-ROM key to MSS, by incipit words (based on the ca. 400 000 incipit file cards at the IRHT at Paris. CD-ROMs are commercially sold by Brepols publishing company at Turnhout.
Described and reviewed in http://www.bsz-bw.de/depot/media/3400000/3421000/3421308/95_0160.html)
vocabulaire.irht.cnrs.fr/pages/vocab2.htm (technical
vocabulary of codicology and palaeography, in French, Italian, Spanish and
English, put together by the Institut de Recherche et d'Histoire des Textes,
Orléans and Paris)
thetis.hbz-nrw.de/wk/links.pl? ("Bibliographic Toolbox"
["Bibliographischer Werkzeugkasten"], by Hochschulbibliothekszentrum des Landes
Nordrhein-Westfalen: offers links to OPACs of libraries word-wide [among many
other useful services])
sunrise.mpier.uni-frankfurt.de/webOPAC (online
catalogue of the Max-Planck-Institut für europäische Rechtsgeschichte,
at Frankfurt. Fabulously rich collection of Jus Commune literature and on legal
history in general)
(Università degli Studi di Roma "La Sapienza", Dipartimento di scienze
giuridiche, Istituto di Storia del Diritto Italiano, library: online catalogue
to the Institute's vast collection of Jus Commune literature. Access to
Gaetano's "Bibliografia di Trattati Giuridici pubblicati nel XVI
edit16.iccu.sbn.it/web_iccu/ihome.htm (Censimento
nazionale delle edizioni italiane del secolo XVI, edited by Istituto Centrale
per il Catalogo Unico delle biblioteche italiane e per le informazioni
bibliografiche - ICCU, directed by the Ministero per i beni e le attività
www.bautz.de/bbkl/ (Biographisch-Bibliographisches
Kirchenlexikon, ed. by Friedrich-Wilhelm Bautz and Traugott Bautz. Volumes 1-31
were printed 1990-2010. The web site, however, also provides access to the
forthcoming yet unprinted entries for the lexicon.
Large active portals of general interest for legal
www.rg.mpg.de (Max-Planck-Institut für
europäische Rechtsgeschichte, Frankfurt am Main, previously
www.irht.cnrs.fr (Institut de Recherche et d'Histoire
des Textes, Orléans and Paris)
www.manuscriptorium.com (large bibliographic data base
on MSS, by Czech National Library and partners, cf.
in Polish)
Other portals of general interest for legal
ccl.rch.uky.edu (University of Kentucky, Abigail Fiery:
Carolingian canon law project)
www.ksbm.oeaw.ac.at/k6.htm (identical to
www.oeaw.ac.at/ksbm/ by Christine Glassner, not updated since Feb. 2005, but
still useful = Kommission für Buch- und Schriftwesen des Mittelalters der
Österreichischen Akademie der Wissenschaften)
www.the-orb.net/ (Online-Reference-Book for Medieval
Studies, College of Staten Island, City University of New York, by Kathryn
Talarico, last updated in 2002. The project comprises Paul Halshall's Medieval
Source Book www.fordham.edu/halsall/)
www.colby.edu/canonlaw/ (digitized texts [and other
resources] of medieval canon law, by David M. Freidenreich and Edward Reno III)
www.idr.unipi.it/iura-communia/ (Mario Montorzi,
Università degli Studi, Pisa. Particularly useful .../Bibliografia.htm;
.../Strumenti.htm --> index to Glossa ordinaria of Libri Feudorum)
www.udg.edu/Default.aspx?alias=www.udg.edu/pihd (Portal Iberoamericano de Historia del Derecho, Universitat de Girona, Catalunya, Spain)
www.iuscivile.com/ (Ernest Metzger, University of
Glasgow, previously University of Aberdeen: mainly on Roman law of
www.hbz-nrw.de/ (Hochschulbibliothekszentrum des
Landes Nordrhein-Westfalen, excellent for research in printed materials. In
particular see www.hbz-nrw.de/recherche/linksammlung)
www.sistordir.it/ (Società Italiana di Storia del Diritto, has a bibliographical data base:
Anales de História del Derecho (Madrid, Spain)
Bulletino dell' Istituto di Diritto Romano (Universita' degli Studi "La Sapienza", Roma;
Bulletin of Medieval Canon Law (see above, ICMAC)
Glossae. Revista de historia de derecho (Universidad de Murcia, Spain)
Ius Commune (Max-Planck-Institut für europäische Rechtsgeschichte, Frankfurt am Main.
Publication ended and was replaced by "Rechtsgeschichte - Zeitschrift des Max-Planck-Instituts ...")
Rechtshistorisches Journal (no longer published, formerly redacted by some staff of the Max-Planck-Institut für europäische Rechtsgeschichte, Frankfurt)
Revue d'histoire du droit (Paris, France)
Revue d'histoire ecclésiastique (Louvain-la-Neuve,
Belgium – contains an enormeously vast bibliography also on legal history)
Rivista internazionale di diritto comune (Catania, Italy)
Rivista di storia del diritto italiano (Torino, Italy)
Zeitschrift der Savigny-Stiftung für
Rechtsgeschichte (
Germanistische Abteilung
Kanonistische Abteilung
Romanistische Abteilung