I am currently a postdoc in the research project
"Prospects of Inflectional Morphology in Harmonic Serialism" at the
University of Leipzig. My dissertation on countercyclic process interactions in phonology is currently being reviewed. I am interested in the phonolology-morphosyntax interface,
especially in evidence for and against cyclicity, phonological typology and the ways in which processeses interact.
My favourite phonological process is epenthesis, and my favourite vowel is [y].
I pronounce my name [daː.njḷ. glaɪm.].
Non-local phonology by morphological movement (2021). NELS 51: Proceedings of the Fifty-First Annual Meeting of the North East Linguistic Society
[with Masha Privizentseva, Sören Tebay
and Gereon Müller]
Phonological processes with intersecting tier alphabets.
Society for Computation in Linguistics 2023 (SCiL), University of Massachusetts Amherst, June 2023.
[with Johannes Schneider]
Transderivational Faithfulness but not Cyclic Architecture can Generate Transparent Countercyclic Effects
West Coast Conference on Formal Linguitics (WCCFL) 39, virtual conference at the University of Arizona, April 2021.
[with Ezer Rasin]
Phonological Reflexes of Movement in Morphology
North East Linguistic Society (NELS) 51, virtual conference at the Université du Québec à Montréal, November 2020.
[with Masha Privizentseva, Sören Tebay
and Gereon Müller]
PhLinearizing Inflectional Exponents by Movement: Phonological Reflexes
Linearizing Constituents Across Domains (LCAD), virtual conference in Bled, October 2020.
[with Masha Privizentseva, Sören Tebay
and Gereon Müller]
Theoretical implications of word-final fragile vowels in C’Lela.
43rd Generative Linguistics in the Old World (GLOW), virtual conference at HU Berlin, May 2020.
Processes at the boundary: Vowel deletion, insertion and retention in C’Lela.
17th Old World Conference on Phonology (OCP), Warsaw, February 2020.
Fuse unless tense: Rhotic-vowel interaction in Elbe-Weser German.
'ra-atics6, Paris, October 2019.
[with Sören Tebay ]
Deriving the gap in velar coronalisation.
7th Annual Meeting on Phonology (AMP), Stony Brook, October 2019.
Fairies land only at midnight: on Laryngeal Sonorant/Vowel Roots in Korean.
The 27th Manchester Phonology Meeting (mfm), Manchester, May 2019.
[with Hyunjung Lee]
Just enough solutions.
42nd Generative Linguistics in the Old World (GLOW), Oslo, May 2019.
Whats in an R? Dissimilation and R-fusion in Elbe-Weser German.
Fonologi i Norden 2019 (FiNo), Edinburgh, February 2019.
[with Sören Tebay ]
Just enough solutions.
27th Conference of the Student Organisation of Linguistics in Europe (ConSOLE), Berlin, February 2019.
The short lifespan of lanygeal sonorants in Korean.
16th Old World Conference on Phonology (OCP), Verona, January 2019.
[with Hyunjung Lee]
Two types of tonelessness: The case of Buli. Tone and Intonation in Europe 2018 (TIE), Gothenburg, October 2018.
Tones prefer colour: The case of Buli. 6th Annual Meeting on Phonology (AMP), San Diego, October 2018.
Intermorphemic agreement in Acoma. Workshop on Cyclic Optimization, Leipzig May 2018.
Tone does not trigger epenthesis: Evidence from Arapaho. 41st Generative Linguistics in the Old World (GLOW), Budapest, April 2018.
Two-dimensional vowel polarity in Bari. 41st Generative Linguistics in the Old World (GLOW), Workshop on long-distance segmental phenomena,
Budapest, April 2018.
[with Jochen Trommer ]
Duke-of-York epenthesis in Arapaho. 15th Old World Conference on Phonology (OCP), London, January 2018.
Bari syllable-counting tone allomorphy. The 25th Manchester Phonology Meeting (mfm), Manchester, May 2017.
[with Jochen Trommer ]