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Page 97
If 0097-001.gif is ever found, then:
set 0097-002.gif,
set y
s+1 to the least number of the form 0097-003.gif that is not in the finite set 0097-004.gif,
set 0097-005.gif,
 s s+1 be the least extension of  s s such that content( s s+1) = Ss + 1,
set 0097-006.gif, and
go to stage s + 1.
End ( Stage s )
To show that M fails to accountably identify Image-1027.gif, we consider two cases.
Case 1: All stages of the construction halt. Let L = We. It is easy to see that 0097-007.gif and 0097-008.gif. Let 0097-009.gif. Observe that T is a text for L. But for each i we have 0097-010.gif. Thus M fails to identify L.
Case 2: Some stage s starts but does not halt. By Kleene's recursion theorem there exists an e' > e such that 0097-011.gif. Clearly, 0097-012.gif. However, 0097-013.gif. Thus, M fails to be accountable on We'.
The global version of accountability turns out to be more restrictive than the class version. To show this, let us first recall from Chapter 4 that 0097-014.gif and introduce the following.
5.17 Definition 0097-015.gif.
5.18 Proposition 0097-016.gif.
Proof: We first show that 0097-017.gif. By the S-m-n Theorem (Theorem 2.1), there is a recursive g such that, for all i, 0097-018.gif. Let GN be an index for N. Consider the scientist M that behaves as follows on each  s :
It is easy to verify that M is accountable on Image-1028.gif and that is identifies Image-1029.gif.
Now suppose by way of contradiction that an accountable scientist M identifies Image-1030.gif. Through an implicit use of Kleene's recursion theorem (Theorem 2.3), we exhibit a 0097-020.gif which M fails to identify. We construct a text for this We in stages.
Stage 0:  s 0 = 0097-021.gif.

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