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Page 84
that children can acquire in normal fashion. This reflection leads to a new criterion of successful performance called "exact identification." To identify exactly a collection Image-0876.gif of languages the learner must identify Image-0877.gif and fail to identify any text for any language outside of Image-0878.gif.
§4.7 Exercises
4-1 Suppose that 0084-001.gif contain only finitely many languages. Show that 0084-002.gif.
4-2 Let K be the r.e., nonrecursive set defined on page 25. Define
Show that 0084-004.gif
4-3 Given a class Image-0879.gif of scientists, denote by 0084-005.gif the class of 0084-006.gif such that some 0084-007.gif identifies Image-0880.gif.
(a) Show that if 0084-008.gif, then 0084-009.gif but 0084-010.gif is possible.
(b) Evaluate the validity of the following claims.
(i) 0084-011.gif.
(ii) 0084-012.gif.
(iii) 0084-013.gif.
(iv) 0084-014.gif.
4-4 Given 0084-015.gif. Let Li = {0,1, . . ., i}. Let 0084-016.gif Suppose that 0084-017.gif. Show that 0084-018.gif if and only if 0084-019.gif.
4-5 Show that TxtEx is not closed under finite union.
4-6 Show that there is 0084-020.gif with the following properties.
(a) 0084-021.gif
(b) Some scientist (not necessarily computable) identifies Image-0881.gif confidently (see Exercise 3-21).
(c) No computable scientist identifies Image-0882.gif confidently.

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