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Proof: Let 0043-001.gif be given. For the left-to-right direction, suppose that scientist F identifies Image-0473.gif. By Corollary 3.25, for each 0043-002.gif choose a locking sequence  s L for F on L. Since content( s L) is a finite subset of L, it suffices to prove that for all 0043-003.gif, if 0043-004.gif, then 0043-005.gif. For a contradiction, suppose that for some L, 0043-006.gif, 0043-007.gif and 0043-008.gif. Let T be a text for L' such that 0043-009.gif. Such a text exists because 0043-010.gif. Because  s L is a locking sequence for F on L, and because 0043-011.gif, F converges on T to an index for L. But 0043-012.gif, so F fails to identify T, hence fails to identify L'. This contradicts our choice of F.
For the right-to-left direction, suppose the hypothesis of the theorem, namely:
3.27 For all 0043-013.gif there is finite 0043-014.gif such that for all 0043-015.gif, 0043-016.gif implies 0043-017.gif.
To show that Image-0474.gif is identifiable, we define a scientist F' as follows. For all 0043-018.gif, F'( s ) = the least i such that for some 0043-019.gif:
(a) i is an index for L; and
(b) 0043-020.gif
F'( s ) is undefined if no such i exists.
To see that F' identifies Image-0475.gif, fix 0043-021.gif, and let T be a text for L'. Then for some 0043-022.gif, 0043-023.gif. Let i0 be the least index for L'. Hence, to prove that F' converges on T to i0 (and thus identifies T), it suffices to show that for all j < i0 and 0043-024.gif, if j is for some 0043-025.gif and 0043-026.gif, then for all sufficiently large 0043-027.gif, 0043-028.gif. So let j < i0 and m 0043-029.gif be given such that j is for some 0043-030.gif and 0043-031.gif. Then 0043-032.gif and 0043-033.gif Hence by 3.27 there is 0043-034.gif. Since T is for L', let 0043-035.gif be large enough so that 0043-036.gif. Then 0043-037.gif.
Theorem 3.26 allows us to prove that certain collections of languages are not identifiable. We give two examples.
3.28 Corollary (Gold [80]) Let 0043-038.gif be infinite. Then 0043-039.gif is not identifiable.
Proof: Let 0043-040.gif. The condition expressed by 3.26 fails for the infinite language 0043-041.gif. This is because for each finite 0043-042.gif there is 0043-043.gif (namely, D itself!) such that 0043-044.gif and 0043-045.gif.

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