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3.21 Definition Let  s , 0041-001.gif be given.
(a) The result of concatenating Image-0469.gif onto the end of  s  is denoted by 0041-002.gif. Sometimes we abuse notation slightly and write 0041-003.gif (where 0041-004.gif) to denote the sequence formed by adding x at the end of  s .
(b) We write "0041-005.gif" if  s  is an initial segment of Image-0470.gif, and "0041-006.gif" if  s  is a proper initial segment of Image-0471.gif.
(c) Likewise, we write 0041-007.gif if  s  is an initial finite sequence of text T.
(d) Let finite sequences  s 0,  s 1,  s 2 . . . be given such that 0041-008.gif and 0041-009.gif. Then there is unique text T such that for all 0041-010.gif, 0041-011.gif. This text is denoted 0041-012.gif.
3.22 Theorem (Blum and Blum[18]) Suppose that scientist F identities 0041-013.gif. Then there is 0041-014.gif such that:
(a) 0041-015.gif;
(b) WF( s ) = L; and
(c) for all 0041-016.gif, if 0041-017.gif, then 0041-018.gif.
Proof (following Blum and Blum): Let scientist F and 0041-019.gif be given. Without loss of generality, we assume that F is defined for all  s . Assume that there is no 0041-020.gif meeting conditions (a)-(c) of the proposition. This implies the following.
3.23 For each 0041-021.gif such that 0041-022.gif and WF( s ) = L, there is some 0041-023.gif such that 0041-024.gif and 0041-025.gif.
We show that 3.23 implies the existence of a text T for L which F does not identify. This proves the contrapositive of the theorem.
Let U = u(0), u(1), u(2), . . . be an arbitrary text for L. We construct the promised text T in stages. At each stage n we specify a sequence  s n such that 0041-026.gif.
Construction of T
Stage 0041-027.gif. Note that 0041-028.gif
Stage n+1: Suppose that  s n has been defined and that 0041-029.gif. There are two cases.
Case 1: 0041-030.gif. Then 0041-031.gif.

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