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Set r = s mod 2.
2. Dovetail steps 3 and 4 until, if ever, step 3 succeeds. If and when step 3 succeeds go to step 5.
( Intuitively, if step 3 succeeds in each stage, then 0200-001.gif and neither M
0 nor M1 Ex*-identifies j p(3). )
3. Search for an extension 0200-002.gif of
 j p(3)[xs] such that 0200-003.gif.
4. Let x
s, s', denote the least x such that  j p(cur)(x) has not been defined before substage s' of stage s.
Go to substage 0.
Begin ( Substage s' )
4.1. Set avail = avail + 1.
Enumerate p(avail) into W
For each x < x
s, s', set  j p(avail) (x) =  j p(cur) (x).
4.2. Dovetail steps 4.3 and 4.4 until, if ever, step 4.3 succeeds. If and when step 4.3 succeeds, go to step 4.5.
4.3. Search for an extension 0200-004.gif of
 j p(cur) [xs, s'] such that 0200-005.gif.
4.4. For x = x
s, s' to Image-2004.gif do set  j p(avail) (x) = 0.
4.5 Let Image-2005.gif be as found in step 4.3.
For each 0200-006.gif, set
 j p(cur) (x) = y if  j p(cur) (x) is not already defined.
Set 0200-007.gif. (Note the diagonalization.)
Go to substage s' + 1.
End ( Substage s' )
5. Let  s  be as found in step 3.
For each 0200-008.gif, set
 j p(3)(x) = y if  j p(3)(x) is not already defined.
Set 0200-009.gif. (Note the diagonalization.)
Go to stage s + 1.
End ( Stage s )
Now, consider the following cases.
Case 1: Each stage terminates. Let f =  j p(3). Clearly, f> is computable and a member of C2 (since f(0) = p(0) and Wp(0) = { p(3) }). Also, because of the success of step 3 and the diagonalization at step 5 in each even (respectively, odd) stage, we have that either M0 (respectively, M1) diverges on f or else the last program output by M0 (respectively, M1) on f commits infinitely many convergent errors.

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