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Page 141
6.24 Proposition (Case and Lynes [33])
(a) 0141-001.gif.
(b) For each 0141-002.gif, 0141-003.gif.
Proof: We prove part (b). A proof of part (a) can be worked out by employing an analog of the locking sequence lemma (Theorem 3.22) for TxtBca-identification (see Exercise 6-9).
Suppose scientist 0141-004.gif. We construct a scientist 0141-005.gif.
By the s-m-n theorem (Theorem 2.1), for each  s , there is an index p s  such that
where in the second part if 0141-007.gif has fewer than m elements, we just take 0141-008.gif. For each  s , we take M'( s ) = p s .
Let T be a text for 0141-009.gif and let p be the index to which M converges on T. Hence, Wp =2m L. Let n0 be such that, for all 0141-010.gif,
(a) M(T[n] = p,
(b) 0141-011.gif and 0141-012.gif, and
(c) 0141-013.gif.
Clearly, such an n0 exists. Note that, for each n > n0, M' patches all the errors of omission of M.
Now fix an 0141-014.gif. Let M(T[n]) = p. Consider the following two cases:
Case 1: 0141-015.gif. That is, the number of mistakes of commission in 0141-016.gif. Then, p[n] removes m of these mistakes of commission, 0141-017.gif errors.
Case 2: card(Wp - L) = m' and m' < m. That is, the number m' of mistakes of commission in p is < m. Then, pT[n] removes all these errors of commission, but potentially creates up to m - m' new errors of omission. However, this number, m - m', is still 0141-018.gif.
In both cases, 0141-019.gif errors, hence M' TxtBcm-identifies 0141-020.gif.
§6.2.3 Vacillatory Language Identification
Recall the vacillatory criterion of success for functions introduced in Section 6.1.4. To be successful in the vacillatory sense, the learner's conjectures must eventually remain

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