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6.9 Proposition (J. Steel cited in Case and Smith [35]) 0132-001.gif.
There remains the obvious question of whether Bc is strictly weaker than Ex*. The following proposition provides an affirmative answer.
6.10 Proposition (Case and Smith [35]) 0132-002.gif.
Proof: Let 0132-003.gif. Thus Image-1404.gif is the collection of computable functions f such that, for all but finitely many n, f(n) is an index for f. By Lemma 2.4, Image-1405.gif is nonempty.
Clearly, 0132-004.gif. Fix an arbitrary scientist M. Below we exhibit a function 0132-005.gif. It will thus follow that 0132-006.gif. Without loss of generality, we assume that M is total.
By the operator recursion theorem (Theorem 2.6), there is a 1-1, recursive function p such that the behavior of programs with indexes p(0), p(1), p(2), . . . are as described in stages below. We arrange things so that one of the  j (i)'s witnesses the failure of M to 0132-007.gif.
In the following construction 0132-008.gif denotes the part of  j p(n) defined before stage s. Let xs denote the least x such that  j p(0) has not been defined before stage s. For each n, set 0132-009.gif. If the construction reaches stage s, then the domain of 0132-010.gif will be { 0, . . ., xs - 1 }, a finite initial segment of N, and 0132-011.gif and 0132-012.gif will be completely undefined. Go to stage 0.
Begin ( Stage s )
Let qs = M( j p(0)[xs]) and, for each x << xs, set  j p(2s+1)(x) =  j p(0)(x) and  j p(2s+2)(x) =  j p(0)(x). ( Hence,  j p(0)[xs] =  j p(2s+1)[xs] =  j p(2s+2)[xs]. )
For y = xs to Image-1406.gif do
Set  j p(2s+1)(y) = p(2s + 1) and  j p(2s+2)(y) = p(2s + 2).
Condition 1. 0132-013.gif.
Then, for each 0132-014.gif, set
 j p(0)(x) =  j p(2s+1)(x) and henceforth make  j p(2s+1) follow  j p(0) so that p(2s + 1) is an index for  j p(0). Go on to stage s + l.
Condition 2. Condition 1 fails, but 0132-015.gif.
Then, for each 0132-016.gif, set
 j p(0)(x) =  j p(2s+2)(x) and, henceforth, make  j p(2s+2) follow  j p(0) so that p(2s + 2) is an index for  j p(0). Go on to stage s + 1. ( Note that if neither condition succeeds, then the For loop continues. )

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