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— namely, the one that responds to 0107-001.gif with a canonical index for N minus the least number missing from content( s ) — is not reliable as it converges on a text for the even numbers but fails to identify them.
Reliability is a useful property of scientists. A reliable scientist never fails to signal the inaccuracy of a previous conjecture. To explain, let M be a reliable scientist, let T be a text for some language, and suppose that for some i, 0107-002.gif, M(T[n]) = i. If 0107-003.gif — that is, if i is incorrect—then for some m > n we have 0107-004.gif. (This is the case, because otherwise M converges on T to the incorrect index i, contradicting M's reliability.) The new index M(T[m]) signals the incorrectness of i. It might thus be hoped that every identifiable collection of languages is identified by a reliable scientist. However, reliability turns out to be quite a debilitating constraint on scientists, as shown by the following proposition.
5.42 Proposition Suppose some reliable scientist M identifies 0107-005.gif. Then L is finite.
Proof: This is a straightforward locking sequence argument. Let  s  be a locking sequence for M on L. Then, if 0107-006.gif, M converges on T to an index for L. Thus L = content(T) = content( s ), which is finite.
5.43 Corollary 0107-007.gif
§5.5 Constraints on the Relation between Conjectures
The successive conjectures emitted by an arbitrary scientist need stand in no particular relation to each other. We now deal with strategies resulting from imposition of such a relation.
§5.5.1 Conservatism
A seemingly rational constraint is captured by the following strategy.
5.44 Definition (Angluin [6])
(a) M is conservative on L just in case for all  s  and 0107-008.gif such that 0107-009.gif and 0107-010.gif, if 0107-011.gif, then 0107-012.gif.
(b) M is conservative on Image-1122.gif; just in case M is conservative on each 0107-013.gif.
(c) M is conservative just in case M is conservative on each 0107-014.gif.

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