Week 1 [2023-04-06 Thu]

We observed that there was a certain regulary between syntactic feature bundles and semantic types.

Consider the lexical items below and their semantic types.

Lexeme Features Type
p \(\textsf{s}\) \(t\)
not \(\hbox{ =}\textsf{s}.\textsf{s}\) \(t\rightarrow t\)
and \(\hbox{ =}\textsf{s}.\textsf{s}\!\!\hbox{ =}.\textsf{s}\) \(t\rightarrow t\rightarrow t\)

We see that to each syntactic selection feature there corresponds a type in a semantic input position, and that to the syntactic category feature there corresponds a type in the semantic output position.

We can express this observation more concisely in terms of a function mapping a syntactic feature bundle to a semantic type. In mathematical notation, we might write:


\begin{array}{r@{\mathrel{=}}l} \hat{\tau}(\textsf{s}) & t\\ \hat{\tau}(\hbox{ =}\textsf{s}.\alpha) & t \rightarrow \hat{\tau}(\alpha) \end{array}


This definition conflates two distinct things:

  1. what semantic type each syntactic feature is associated with (i.e. that \(\textsf{s}\) and \(t\) go together)
  2. the fact that category features are associated with the output type, and that selection features are associated with input types

We can seperate these two kinds of information by defining a feature-to-type correspondence independently of a feature bundle-to-type correspondence. A feature-to-type correspondence associates each syntactic feature type with a semantic type. In our particular example, we have that \(\tau(\textsf{s}) = t\)—here \(\tau\) (without a hat) is the function mapping features to types. Now we can define a map from feature bundles to semantic types in terms of a feature-to-type correspondence:


\begin{array}{r@{\mathrel{=}}l} \hat{\tau}(x) & \tau(x)\\ \hat{\tau}(\hbox{ =}x.\alpha) & \tau(x) \rightarrow \hat{\tau}(\alpha) \end{array}
