Academia 2008
Complex Nanostructures
6.–7.10.2008, Dresden, Germany
The Academia 2008 takes place on Monday, 6.10.2008, 10:00 and 19:00 and Tuesday, 7.10.2008 from 8:30 to 19:00 in the Holiday Inn, Dresden, Germany.
Program (PDF) Registration form (PDF) For questions please consult our office at +49 (0)341 97-32650 (Ms. Anja Heck, Ms. Birgit Wendisch).
Scope of the workshop
Using self-assembly processes a wide variety of structures can be created in the nano-kosmos. This year's workshop is jointly organized by FOR522 and FOR845 and covers mutually interesting topics. Self-organization by erosion techniques (ion-beam and dry etching) is in the focus. Functional metal nanostructures, nanowires and hybrid systems as well as the possible applications of these complex nanostructures are discussed.
The program will consist of eight invited lectures.
Invited speakers
Program of the visit