Event related potentials during the Stroop task: Association study with DISC1 gene

De Luca, V., McNeely, H. E., King N., Trakalo, J., and Kennedy, J. L.
Centre for Addiction and Mental Health, University of Toronto, Canada
E-mail: vincenzo_deluca@camh.net

Using Event-Related potentials (ERPs), an impairment in the P300 amplitude has been found in families carrying a balanced translocation on chromosome 1 (1;11) (q22;q14.3), leading to the suggestion that ERP abnormalities may be useful as an endophenotype. ERPs could represent a narrow phenotype relative to current psychiatric disorders, thus minimizing heterogeneity and increasing "signal-to noise" ratio in tests of genetic association. In addition, physical and quantifiable measures such as ERPs are easier to assess than other psychiatric behavioural phenotypes.

We investigated whether a single nucleotide polymorphism (RefSNP# 2255340) of Disc1 gene close to the break site on chromosome 1 is associated with ERP change in drug-free subjects.

The results demonstrated no differences in late component ampltude among the genotype groups. Our findings suggest that the DISC1 polymorphism does not play a major role in the late component of the ERPs.