library(ncdf4) ## for NetCDF files library(RColorBrewer) ## for some nice color scales, see library(plyr) ## for the aaply family of functions source("r/image.plot.r") ## for lat/lon plots ## a useful polynomial approximation for saturation water vapor pressure as a function of T e.sat.water <- function(T, p) { T.C <- T - 273.15 e.sat <- 6.107799961 + T.C*(4.436518521e-1 + T.C*(1.428945805e-2 + T.C*(2.650648471e-4 + T.C*(3.031240396e-6 + T.C*(2.034080948e-8 + 6.136820929e-11*T.C))))) ## polynomial approximation taken from Appendix 4, Pruppacher & Klett, 2nd ed; valid for -50 deg C < T < 50 deg C } ## ERA-Interim reanalysis temperature field nc.era <- nc_open("~quaas/data/") lev.era <- ncvar_get(nc.era, "lv_ISBL1") lon.era <- ncvar_get(nc.era, "g0_lon_3") lat.era <- ncvar_get(nc.era, "g0_lat_2") time.era <- ncvar_get(nc.era, "time") * 3600 + as.POSIXlt("1800-01-01", tz = "UTC") ## translate from the strange ERA units T.era <- ncvar_get(nc.era, "T_GDS0_ISBL_123") print(dim(T.era)) ## 240 lon x 121 lat x 37 pressure levels x 228 months... a big field ## plot a vertical temperature and potential temperature profile in the tropics (120 deg W on the equator) plot(T.era[which(lon.era == -120), which(lat.era == 0), , 1], lev.era, type = "l", col = "red", ylim = c(1000, 0), xlim = c(200, 350), xlab = "K", ylab = "p (hPa)") lines(T.era[which(lon.era == -120), which(lat.era == 0), , 1] * (1000 / lev.era)^(2 / 7), lev.era, col = "blue") legend("bottomleft", title = "Tropical ocean", c("temperature", "potential temperature"), col = c("red", "blue"), lty = "solid") ## look at the 1000 hPa temperature (near-surface temperature) in June, July and August (JJA) and December, January, February (DJF) Tsurf.era.JJA <- T.era[,, which(lev.era == 1000), months(time.era) %in% c("June", "July", "August")] Tsurf.era.DJF <- T.era[,, which(lev.era == 1000), months(time.era) %in% c("December", "January", "February")] ## calculate the temporal mean of the JJA and DJF near-surface temperature fields <- apply(Tsurf.era.JJA, c(1,2), mean) <- apply(Tsurf.era.DJF, c(1,2), mean), lat.era,, col = brewer.pal(5, "OrRd"), zlim = c(220, 320)), lat.era,, col = brewer.pal(5, "OrRd"), zlim = c(220, 320)) ## calculate the temporal mean of the temperature field <- apply(T.era, c(1,2,3), mean) ## calculate the zonal mean of the temporal-mean temperature field <- apply(, c(2,3), mean) ## calculate zonal-temporal-mean potential temperature theta <- aaply(, 1, function(T) T * (1000 / lev.era)^(2 / 7)) ## plot contour(lat.era, lev.era,, ylim = c(1000, 0), xlab = "Latitude", ylab = "p (hPa)") ## plot, this time into a PDF file: pdf("T-contour.pdf", width = 8, height = 5) contour(lat.era, lev.era,, ylim = c(1000, 0), xlab = "Latitude", ylab = "p (hPa)") ## close the output file