The works of Jorge Luis Borges do not fit in with any type of classification. The limits between reality and fiction are permeable, as well as the limits between fiction and philosophy, between the playful and the serious, between genres and fields of knowledge. The only thing certain is that Borges is in the first place an author producing texts in diverse fields of knowledge and playing with various thougt patterns and with distinct scientific systems. This makes of Borges not only an outstanding writer of works of fiction, but - in particular - one of the greatest thinkers of our time.

Sociologists and philosophers such as Foucauld or Baudrillard as well as semioticians and literary theorist such as Eco, Genette and Alazraki, Rodríguez Monegal, Echavarría and Merrell, have described and established the central importance of Borges as a particular and very special producer of signs. Especially the location of Borges in extraliterary fields, that is to say, the contextualization and interpretation of his works in a broader context than the one of fictional literature, constitutes the centre of interest of this volume. In this way, the volume is intended to make a contribution to those aspects of the work of Borges in which he proves himself to be must ambiguous but at the same time most interesting and complex.

Borges is not a mere pioneer of both literary an philosophical theories that have taken shape, particulary during the second half of this century, but he also introduces complete paradigms into current knowledge and thought.


Preface   7
María Kodama de Borges
Jorge Luis Borges, Religions and the Mystical Experience
Luce López-Baralt
Borges, or the Mystique of Silence: What was on the other Side of  the Zahir
Arturo Echavarría
Textual Space and the Art of Chinese Gardening in Borges’ “The Garden of Forking Paths”
Alberto Moreiras
De-Narrativizing the Populist State Apparatus: Borges’ “La lotería en Babilonia”
Fernando de Toro
Borges/Derrida and Writing
Alfonso de Toro
Borges/Derrida/Foucault: Pharmakeus/Heterotopia or Beyond Literature (‘hors-littérature’): Writing, Phantoms, Simulacra, Masks, the Carnival and ... Atlön/Tlön, Ykva/Uqbar, Hlaer, Jangr, Hrön(n)/Hrönir, Ur and Other Figures
Silvia G. Dapía
Borges and Mauthner: From Philosophy to Critique of Language
C. Ulises Moulines
The Most Consistent Idealism According to Borges: The Negation of Time
Floyd Merrell
Borges and Calvino: Chaosmos Unleashed?
Eckhard Höfner
Some Aspects of the Problem of Time in the Works of Jorge Luis Borges: An Eclectic between Plato and the Theory of Relativity.
Beatriz Sarlo
Borges: Cultural Theory and Criticism
Edna Aizenberg
“Nazism is Uninhabitable”: Borges, the Holocaust, and the Expansion of Knowledge
Rolf Kloepfer
The Superstitious and the Truthful Ethics of the Reader
Elmar Schenkel
Circling the Cross, Crossing the Circle: On Borges and Chesterton
Laura Milano and Rosa María Ravera
Borges’ ‘Baroquism’
Ema Lapidot
Borges between the Printing Press and the Hypertext.
Authors of this Volume 353

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